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1990.09-1994.07 金宝搏app官网热能工程专业,获工学学士学位
1994.09-1997.03 金宝搏app官网热能工程专业,获工学硕士学位
1998.09-2002.03 金宝搏app官网热能工程专业,获工学博士学位
1997.04-2016.04 金宝搏app官网机械工程学院热科学与能源工程系,助教、讲师、副教授、教授、博士生导师
2005.07-2005.12 美国德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,访问学者
2012.08-2013.02 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,访问学者
2016.04-至今 188金宝搏登录入口热科学与能源工程系,教授、博士生导师,现任副院长
1. 工业热过程数值模拟
2. 流程优化与系统节能
3. 微藻生物质能
4. 纳米复合能源材料
冶金工业节能减排北京市重点实验室 副主任
北京高校节能与环保工程研究中心 副主任
北京机械工程学会 理事
北京热物理与能源工程学会 监事
[1] Z. Li, X.R. Zhang, Z.Y. Jiang, L. Wu, N.C. Lai, Bi-objective optimization and thermal economy analysis of a novel coke quenching process with wastewater gasification, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 219(2023).
[2] Z.H. Chen, J.H. Zhang, S.Q. Deng, M.T. Hou, X.R. Zhang, Z.Y. Jiang, N.C. Lai, Morphology-controlled synthesis of Cu2O encapsulated phase change materials: Photothermal conversion and storage performance in visible light regime, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 454(2023).
[3] Y. Wang, X.R. Zhang, L.B. Guan, Z.Y. Jiang, X.M. Gao, S.Y. Hao, X.X. Zhang, A novel method to harvest microalgae biofilms by interfacial interaction, Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, 70(2023).
[4] Z.X. Xia, Z.Y. Jiang, X.R. Zhang, Z. Li, Y.X. Lu, Y.W. He, J.L. Chen, The CO2 reduction potential for the oxygen blast furnace with CO2 capture and storage under hydrogen-enriched conditions, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 121(2022).
[5] M.T. Hou, Z.Y. Jiang, F.Q. Chu, X.R. Zhang, N.C. Lai, N-eicosane@TiO2/TiN composite phase change microcapsules: Efficient visible light-driven reversible solid-liquid phase transition, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, 651(2022).
[6] 赵延涛, 姜泽毅, 张欣茹, 王帝杰, 铝板在双面喷流加热和辊底摆动过程中的温度均匀性, 金属热处理, 47(2022) 178-184.
[7] X.Z. Cai, Y.Q. Liu, T.T. Yang, X.Z. Dong, X.R. Zhang, Z.Y. Jiang, A.H. Chou, T. Gao, X.X. Zhang, Matching micro- and nano-boron nitride hybrid fillers for high-thermal conductive composites, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 138(2021).
[8] Z. Li, X. Zhang, N. Lai, Z. Jiang, J. Li, A novel process for coke wastewater gasification quenching: Energy and exergy analysis, APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, 191(2021) 116863.
[9] H. Yuan, Y. Wang, Z. Lai, X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, X. Zhang, Analyzing microalgal biofilm structures formed under different light conditions by evaluating cell–cell interactions, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 583(2021) 563-570.
[10] Y. Wang, Z. Jiang, Z. Lai, H. Yuan, X. Zhang, Y. Jia, X. Zhang, The self-adaption capability of microalgal biofilm under different light intensities: Photosynthetic parameters and biofilm microstructures, Algal Research, 58(2021) 102383.
[11] T. Yang, Z. Jiang, H. Han, X. Cai, Y. Liu, X. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Ren, J. Hu, Welding dopamine modified graphene nanosheets onto graphene foam for high thermal conductive composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, 205(2021) 108509.
[12] 王秋鸣, 李树莹, 耿书阳, 姜泽毅, 电石熔炼过程单颗粒模型与球团新工艺强化机制, 科学通报, 66(2021) 2766-2774.
[13] X.Z. Cai, X.Z. Dong, W.X. Lv, C.Z. Ji, Z.Y. Jiang, X.R. Zhang, T. Gao, K. Yue, X.X. Zhang, Synergistic enhancement of thermal conductivity for low dielectric constant boron nitride-polytetrafluoroethylene composites by adding small content of graphene nanosheets, COMPOSITES COMMUNICATIONS, 17(2020) 163-169.
[14] H. Yuan, Y. Wang, Y. Xi, Z.Y. Jiang, X.R. Zhang, X.Y. Wang, X.X. Zhang, Light-Emitting Diode Power Conversion Capability and CO2 Fixation Rate of Microalgae Biofilm Cultured Under Different Light Spectra, Energies, 13(2020).
[15] X.R. Zhang, H. Yuan, Y. Wang, L.B. Guan, Z.Y. Zeng, Z.Y. Jiang, X.X. Zhang, Cell Surface Energy Affects the Structure of Microalgal Biofilm, LANGMUIR, 36(2020) 3057-3063.
[16] Y. Lu, Z. Jiang, X. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Wang, X. Zhang, Determination of void boundary in a packed bed by laser attenuation measurement, Particuology, 51(2020) 72-79.
[17] H. Yuan, X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Cao, X. Zhang, Effect of light spectra on microalgal biofilm: Cell growth, photosynthetic property, and main organic composition, RENEWABLE ENERGY, 157(2020) 83-89.
[18] W. Yang, X. Chen, Z. Jiang, X. Zhang, L. Zheng, Effect of slip boundary condition on flow and heat transfer of a double fractional Maxwell fluid, CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 68(2020) 214-223.
[19] Y. Lu, S. Liu, X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, D. E, A Probabilistic Statistical Method for the Determination of Void Morphology with CFD-DEM Approach, Energies, 13(2020) 4041.
[20] X. Cai, X. Dong, W. Lv, C. Ji, Z. Jiang, X. Zhang, T. Gao, K. Yue, X. Zhang, Synergistic enhancement of thermal conductivity for low dielectric constant boron nitride–polytetrafluoroethylene composites by adding small content of graphene nanosheets, Composites Communications, 17(2020) 163-169.
[21] 何野维, 李臻, 李心心, 姜泽毅, 林林, 竖式移动床层中散料颗粒破碎的离散元分析, 过程工程学报, 20(2020) 1377-1385.
[22] X.R. Zhang, H. Yuan, L.B. Guan, X.Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Z.Y. Jiang, L.M. Cao, X.X. Zhang, Influence of Photoperiods on Microalgae Biofilm: Photosynthetic Performance, Biomass Yield, and Cellular Composition, Energies, 12(2019).
[23] X.R. Zhang, X.Z. Cai, X.Y. Xie, C.Y. Pu, X.Z. Dong, Z.Y. Jiang, T. Gao, Y.J. Ren, J. Hu, X.X. Zhang, Anisotropic Thermally Conductive Perfluoroalkoxy Composite with Low Dielectric Constant Fabricated by Aligning Boron Nitride Nanosheets via Hot Pressing, Polymers, 11(2019).
[24] X.R. Zhang, X.Y. Xie, X.Z. Cai, Z.Y. Jiang, T. Gao, Y.J. Ren, J. Hu, X.X. Zhang, Graphene-Perfluoroalkoxy Nanocomposite with High Through-Plane Thermal Conductivity Fabricated by Hot-Pressing, Nanomaterials, 9(2019).
[25] X.R. Zhang, X.Z. Cai, K.R. Jin, Z.Y. Jiang, H. Yuan, Y. Jia, Y. Wang, L.M. Cao, X.X. Zhang, Determining the Surface Tension of Two-Dimensional Nanosheets by a Low-Rate Advancing Contact Angle Measurement, LANGMUIR, 35(2019) 8308-8315.
[26] J.Y. Song, Z.Y. Jiang, C. Bao, A.J. Xu, Comparison of Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission for Three Steel Production Routes-Integrated Steel Plant Equipped with Blast Furnace, Oxygen Blast Furnace or COREX, Metals, 9(2019).
[27] H. Yuan, X.R. Zhang, Z.Y. Jiang, X.H. Chen, X.X. Zhang, Quantitative Criterion to Predict Cell Adhesion by Identifying Dominant Interaction between Microorganisms and Abiotic Surfaces, LANGMUIR, 35(2019) 3524-3533.
[28] Y.X. Lu, Z.Y. Jiang, X.R. Zhang, J.S. Wang, X.X. Zhang, Vertical Section Observation of the Solid Flow in a Blast Furnace with a Cutting Method, Metals, 9(2019).
[29] J. Song, Z. Jiang, Y. Ding, Analysis and Evaluation of Material Flow in Different Steel Production Processes by gPROMS-based Simulation, Energy Procedia, 158(2019) 4218-4223.
[30] H. Yuan, X. Zhang, Z. Jiang, X. Wang, X. Chen, L. Cao, X. Zhang, Analyzing the effect of pH on microalgae adhesion by identifying the dominant interaction between cell and surface, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 177(2019) 479-486.
[31] 《钢铁制造流程能源高效转化与利用》. 张欣欣、姜泽毅、张欣茹编著. 冶金工业出版社, 2020年12月.
[32] 陈家雷,姜泽毅,郭梁. 一种卧式快频蓄热式高压煤气加热工艺. CN202210117953.
[33] 张欣茹,解晓宇,姜泽毅等. 定向高导热石墨烯-全氟烷氧基树脂复合材料及制备方法. CN201910382673.
[1] 国家重点研发计划项目 – 冶金、化工炉窑及系统节能减排关键技术
[2] 国家重点研发计划课题 – 钢铁生产流程工序匹配与系统节能
[3] 国家973计划课题 - 钢铁流程系统的能耗排放特征及其广义热力学优化
[4] 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目 - 全氧高炉炼铁关键技术基础
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[10] 国家发改委示范工程项目 - 年产20万吨金属化球团转底炉处理钢铁厂含锌粉尘技术研究
[11] 工信部专项课题 - 重点原材料行业碳达峰、碳中和公共服务平台(钢铁行业)
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[13] 教育部博士点基金项目 - 微藻光生物反应器光合强化的热物理基础
[14] 北京市科技计划项目 - 基于工业物联网的钢铁节能与表面质检技术研究及产业化示范
[15] 北京市科技计划项目 - 冶金工业节能环保关键技术研究
[16] 北京市科技计划项目 - 河北雄安高铁站片区能源优化运行平台
[17] 北京市教委工程示范项目 - 基于太阳能利用的生物能源微藻高效紧凑型培养方法与示范装置
[18] 国网综能 - 综合能源服务关键技术标准研究服务项目
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[20] 宝钢 - 典型钢铁流程能效提升技术研发路线图
[21] 河钢集团 - 加热炉过程控制(二级)系统的研发
[22] 涟钢 - 步进式板坯加热炉二级控制系统
[23] 宝钢 – 环形加热炉数学模型及其在线优化控制
[24] 宝钢 - 钢管张减过程传热模型及温度反馈功能研究
[25] 宝钢 - 全氢罩式炉退火过程在线模型研究
[26] 济钢 - 钢卷退火过程温度分布与粘结机理研究
[27] 宝钢 - 带钢镀后气雾冷却传热过程数值仿真
[28] 中航院 - 铝合金中厚板加热-冷却过程数值模拟研究
[29] 中航院 - 井式冷却装置冷却过程分析
[30] 科利特 - 污水熄焦炉数学模型及压力控制策略
[31] 中冶设备 - 颗粒料回转式余热回收工艺数值模拟
[32] 中冶设备 - 储渣保温装置电热流场仿真研究
[33] 中冶设备 - 篦冷式余热回收工艺数值模拟
[34] 宝武集团 - 冶金高还原势煤气绿色低碳安全高效加热技术研究
[35] 宝钢 - 顶煤气循环氧气高炉风口喷吹机构及循环煤气加热技术开发
[36] 宝钢 - 氧气高炉生产煤化工合成气冶炼新工艺的关键技术研究