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金宝搏app官网 博士学位 工程热物理专业
1994.07-至今 金宝搏app官网院热科学与能源工程系,讲师,副教授,教授
1. 工业热物理过程模拟与智能控制
2. 微观/宏观能量与物质传递及流体流动
3. 医工融合生物传热传质与血液流动
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于磁热支架的PCI术后血管再狭窄防治方法的热物理机制研究,2023.1-2026.12,项目负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金重大研究项目,面向靶病灶精准诊疗的生物热物理基础问题研究,2019.1-2023.12,主要负责人
3. 中科院合作项目,基于高负荷压气机型面口控增效流动控制方法的主动控制技术开发,2021.9-2023.9,项目负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,热物理调控新方法在靶病灶诊疗过程中的临床转化应用,2019.1-2023.12,课题合作负责人
5. 企业合作项目,煤气化热量回收装置结渣风险预测模型,2021.6-2022.9,项目负责人
6. 企业合作项目,电弧炉炼钢复合吹炼流程模拟优化技术,2016.1-2018.12,项目负责人
7. 企业合作项目,缠绕式换热器换热效率分析,2016.1-2017.12,项目负责人
8. 企业合作项目,材料导热系数测定和分析,2016.1-2017.12,项目负责人
9. 国家重点研发计划重点专项,燃煤污染物(SO2,NOx,PM)一体化控制基础理论,2016.1-2020.12,课题参与人
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,生物体微细结构内纳米颗粒输运机制和热物理效应, 2013.1-2016.12,项目负责人
11. 企业合作项目,换热器换热效率分析与结构优化,2015.12-2016.12,项目负责人
12. 国家973计划,“材料设计与传热控制”,2010.01-2014.01,课题负责人
13. 国家航天基础理论项目,“结构表征与热导率测试方法”,2009.7-2014.6,课题负责人
14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,多场耦合作用下磁微粒在肿瘤组织中的弥散和热效应, 2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人
15. 国家支撑计划子项目,人体面温变化规律及其影响因素的理论研究, 2009.11-2010.12,
16. 国家专项设备平台建设“热物性测试综合平台”,2009.6-2010.12,课题负责人
17. 国家支撑计划子项目,“适用于气控钠热管的压力控制仪的研制”,2008.1-2010.1,项目负责人
18. 企业合作大型医疗仪器开发项目,磁感应治疗计划系统—温度场模块, 2008.1-2009.3,项目负责人
[1] Angqi Wang, Kai Yue, Weishen Zhong, Genpei Zhang, Lei Wang, Hao Wang, Xinxin Zhang. Ligand-receptor interaction in the specific targeting of biomimetic peptide nanoparticles to lysophosphatidylcholine. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, Feb, 227: 193-202
[2] Weishen Zhong, Kai Yue, Anqi Wang, Genpei Zhang, Jiaqi Wang, Lei Wang, Hao Wang, Hua Zhang, Xinxin Zhang. Mechanisms of Deformation and Drug Release of Targeting Polypeptides Based on Fibronectin Induction. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022,Nov,16, 10345-10357 (cover )
[3] Kai Yue, Chao Yang, Xiuru Yan, Yu You, Xinxin Zhang. Experimental Investigation of Temperature Influence on Nanoparticl Adhesion in an artificial blood vessel. International Journal of Nanomedicine
[4] Zhang Genpei, Yue Kai, Wang Anqi, et al. Self-assembly and disassembly mechanisms of biomimetic peptides: Molecular dynamics simulation and experimental measurement [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022,Jun, 209: 785-793,
[5] Kai Yue, Yu You, Chao Yang, Yongjian Niu, Xinxin Zhang. Numerical Simulation of Transport and Adhesion of Thermogenic Nano-Carriers in Microvessels. Soft matter, 2020Feb,16, (45):10345-10357
[6] ]Kai Yue, Jue Tang, Xiaokang Tian, Xinxin Zhang. Gold nanoparticle aggregation in blood: influence of temperature, size, and concentration. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18, 1-10
[7] Jue Tang, Kai Yue, Hongzheng Tan, Xiaoxing LV, Xinxin Zhang. Nanoparticle Aggregation in Ionic Solution and Its Effect on Translocation across Cell Membrane. ASME Journal of heat transfer, 2018, 140(1):SI
[8] Liang Chen, Kai Yue, Jun Wang, Xinxin Zhang. A small-plane heat source method for measuring the thermal conductivities of anisotropic materials without influence by the environment, Measurement Science and Technology ,2017,28(7):075002
[9] Kai Yue, Liang Chen, Bitao Jin, Lina Yang, Xinxin Zhang. Thermal Conductivity Measurement of Anisotropic Biological Tissue in Vitro, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2017, 38(6): 92-97
[10] Kai Yue, Jingyang Nan, Xinru Zhang, Jue Tang, Xinxin Zhang. Photothermal Effects of Gold Nanoparticles Induced by Light Emitting Diodes. Applied Thermal Engineering, v99 P1093-1100. April 25, 2016
[11] Kai Yue, Chao Yu, Qingchun Lei, Xinxin Zhang. Numerical simulation of effect of vessel bifurcation on heat transfer in the magnetic fluid hyperthermia. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 69(1-2): 11-18
[12] Kai Yue, Shuangbo Zheng, Yunhui Luo, Xinxin Zhang, et al. Determination of 3D temperature distribution for gerromagnetic hyperthermia under Influence of blood flow, Journal of Thermal Biology, 2011. 36(8): 498-506