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2004年9月-2009年6月,金宝搏app官网 环境科学与工程专业,学士;
2009年9月-2014年6月,金宝搏app官网 环境工程专业,博士;
1. 高含水固废深度干化与资源化
2. 生物质热化学转化
1. 清洁生产与循环经济
2. 环境工程制图实践
[1] Hong Chen, Wang Zhiqiang, Si Yanxiao, Xing Yi*, Hu Jiashuo, Li Yifei. Effects of aqueous phase circulation and catalysts on hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) of penicillin residue (PR): characteristics of the aqueous phase, solid residue and bio oil. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 776: 145596.
[2] Yang Jian , Hong Chen *, Xing Yi *, Zheng Zixuan , Li Zaixing *, Zhao Xiumei , Lü Yongtao , Lü Jianwei . Study on hydrothermal liquefaction of antibiotic residues with molecular sieve catalysts in ethanol-water system: Focus on products distribution and characterization. RSC Advances. 2021, 5(3): 23383-2339.
[3] Hong Chen, Wang Zhiqiang, Si Yanxiao, Xing Yi*, Yang Jian, Feng Lihui, Wang Yijie, Hu Jiashuo, Li Zaixing, Li Yifei. Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Penicillin Residue for the Production of Bio-Oil over Different Homogeneous/Heterogeneous Catalysts. Catalysts, 2021, 11(7):849.
[4] Hong Chen, Li Yifei, Si Yanxiao, Li Zaixing, Xing Yi*, Chang Xiaonan, Zheng Zixuan, Hu Jiashuo, Zhao Xiumei. Catalytic upgrading of penicillin fermentation residue bio-oil by metal-supported HZSM-5. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 767:144977.
[5] Si Yanxiao, Zhang Fang, Hong Chen, Li Guanghe, Zhang Haichuan, Liu Dun. Effect of current density on groundwater arsenite removal performance using air cathode electrocoagulation. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering. 2021, 15(6): 112.
[6] Yang Jian, Hong Chen*, Xing Yi*, Zheng Zixuan, Li Zaixing, Zhao Xiumei, Qi Chenhao. Research progress and hot spots of hydrothermal liquefaction for bio-oil production based on bibliometric analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021, 28: 7621-7653.
[7] Hong Chen, Wang, Zhiqiang, Si, Yanxiao, Li, Zaixing, Xing, Yi*, Hu, Jiashuo, Li, Yifei. Preparation of Bio-oils by Hydrothermal Liquefaction (HTL) of Penicillin fermentation residue (PR): Optimization of Conditions and Mechanistic Studies. Science of the Total Environment. 2021, 761: 143216.
[8] Yang Jian, Hong Chen*, Li Zaixing, Xing Yi*, Zhao Xiumei. Study on hydrothermal liquefaction of antibiotic residues for bio-oil in ethanol-water system. Waste Management. 2021, 120: 164-174.
[9] Li Yifei, Hong Chen*, Li Zaixing, Xing Yi*, Chang Xiaonan, Zheng Zixuan, Zhao Xiumei. Study on the nitrogen migration mechanism during penicillin fermentation residue fast pyrolysis based on the substance transformation and canonical variational theory. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 737: 139739.
[10] Li Yifei, Hong Chen*, Wang Yijie, Xing Yi*, Chang Xiaonan, Zheng Zixuan, Li Zaixing*, Zhao Xiumei. Nitrogen Migration Mechanism during Pyrolysis of Penicillin Fermentation Residue Based on Product Characteristics and Quantum Chemical Analysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020. 8: 7721-7740.
[11] Hu Jiashuo, Hong Chen*, Li Zai, Xing Yi*, Zheng Zixuan, Zhao Xiumei, Wang, Zhiqiang, Zhao Hongjun, Zhang Ze, Meng Jie, Qi Chenhao. Nitrogen release of hydrothermal treatment of antibiotic fermentation residue and preparation of struvite from hydrolysate. Science of the Total Environment. 2020, 713, 135174.
[12] Wang Zhiqiang. Hong Chen*, Xing Yi, Li Zaixing, Li Yifei, Yang Jian, Feng Lihui, Hu Jiashuo, Sun Haipeng. Thermal characteristics and product formation mechanism during pyrolysis of penicillin fermentation residue. Bioresource Technology. 2019, 277, 46-54.
[13] Li Yifei, Hong Chen*, Wang Zhiqiang, Xing Yi*, Yang Jian, Feng Lihui, Hu Jiashuo, Li Zaixing*, Zhang Ze, Zhao Hongjun, Meng Jie. Fractal characteristics of biochars derived from Penicillin v potassium residue pyrolysis. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol. 2019, 141, 104636.
[14] Wang Zhiqiang, Hong Chen*, Xing Yi*, Li Yifei, Feng Lihui, Jia Mengmeng. Combustion behaviors and kinetics of sewage sludge blended with pulverized coal: With and without catalysts. Waste Management. 2018, 288-296.
[15] Wang Zhiqiang, Hong Chen*, Xing Yi*, Wang Kang, Li Yifei, Feng Lihui, Ma Silu. Spatial distribution and sources of heavy metals in natural pasture soil around copper-molybdenum mine in Northeast China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2018, 154, 329-336.
[16] Hong Chen, Wang Zhiqiang, Si Yanxiao, Yang Qiang, Xing Yi. Improving sludge dewaterability by combined conditioning with Fenton's reagent and surfactant. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2017, 101, 809-816.
[17] Xing Yi, Wang Zhiqiang, Hong Chen*, Yang Qiang, Feng Lihui, Jia Mengmeng, Li Yifei. Mechanism and parameter optimization of Fenton's reagent integrated with surfactant pretreatment to improve sludge dewaterability. PLoS One. 2017, 12, e0169523.
[18] Wang Zhiqiang, Hong Chen*, Xing Yi, Feng Lihui, Li Yifei, Jia Mengmeng. Influences of ultrafine comminution on chemical properties of antibiotic bioferment residue. Powder Technology. 2017, 321, 514-522.
[19] Hong Chen, Wang Zhiqiang, Xing Yi*, Li Yifei, Yang Qiang. Investigation of free radicals and carbon structures in chars generated from pyrolysis of antibiotic fermentation residue. RSC Advances. 2016, 6, 111226-111232.
[20] Hong Chen, Si Yangxiao, Xing Yi*, Li Yang. Illumina MiSeq sequencing investigation on the contrasting soil bacterial community structures in different iron mining areas. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22, 10788-10799.
[21] Xing Yi, Si Yanxiao, Hong Chen*, Li Yang. Multiple Factors Affect Diversity and Abundance of Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms in Iron Mine Soil. Arch. Environ. Con. Tox. 2015, 69, 20-31.
[22] Hong Chen, Xing Yi, Hua Xiufu, Si Yanxiao, Qiao Geng, Wang Zhiqiang. Dewaterability of sludge conditioned with surfactant DDBAC pretreatment by acid/alkali. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015, 99, 6103-6111.
【23】Hong Chen, Xing Yi, Si Yanxiao, Wang Zhiqiang, Qiao Geng. Effect of surfactant on bound water content and extracellular polymers substances distribution in sludge. RSC Advances. 2015, 5, 23383-23390.
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