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[1] Xu Qian, Wang K, Zou Z, et. al. A new type of two-supply, one-return, triple pipe-structured heat loss model based on a low temperature district heating system [J]. Energy, 2021, 218: 119569. [ESI 高被引论文、TOP期刊、1区、IF: 8.857]
[2] Xu Qian, Wang K, Feng J, et. al. A comparative investigation on the effect of different nanofluids on the thermal performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 149: 119-189. [ESI 高被引论文、TOP期刊、1区、IF: 5.431]
[3] Xu Qian, Zou Z, Chen Y, et al. Performance of a novel-type of heat flue in a coke oven based on high-temperature and low-oxygen diffusion combustion technology [J]. Fuel, 2020, 267: 117160. [ESI 高被引论文、TOP期刊、1区、IF: 8.035]
[4] Liu D.H, Xie K, et. al, Xu Qian*. Numerical evaluation of the coupled-uncoupled effectiveness of a fluid-solid-thermal multi-field model for a long-distance energy transmission pipeline [J]. Renewable Energy, 2022, 193: 920-940. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 8.634]
[5] Xu Qian, Shen M, Xie K, et al. Heat and mass transfer mechanism and control strategy of clean low carbon combustion technology in the novel-type coke oven flue with MILD combustion [J]. Fuel, 2022, 320: 124001. [TOP期刊、1区、 8.035]
[6] Wang K, Xie K, Xu Qian*, et. al. Numerical evaluation of the coupled-uncoupled effectiveness of a fluid-solid-thermal multi-field model for a long-distance energy transmission pipeline [J]. Energy, 2022, 251: 123964. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 8.857]
[7] Xu Qian, Feng J, Liu L, et al. Analysis of mechanical-fluid-thermal performance of heat pipeline system with structural deformation effects [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019,128:12-23. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 5.431]
[8] Lin L, Libo Feng, Qian Xu*, Yanping Chen. Anomalous diffusion in comb model subject to a novel distributed order time fractional Cattaneo-Christov flux [J]. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020, 102:106-116. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 4.294]
[9] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhang S. Effects of different loads on structure stress of ‘‘L”-type large-diameter pipeline under burying and trench conditions based on fluid–structure–heat coupling [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115:387-397. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 5.431]
[10] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhang S. Combined effects of different temperature and pressure loads on the “L”-type large-diameter buried pipeline [J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 111:953-961 [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 5.431]
[11] Xiong Y. X, Yao C. H, Xu Qian*, Ding Y. L, et al. Waste Semicoke Ash Utilized to Fabricate Shape-stable Phase Change Composites for Building Heating and Cooling [J]. Construction and Building Materials. [TOP期刊、1区、IF: 7.693]
[12] Yao X.Q, Qiang Y.J, Xu Qian*, et. al. Renewable low-cost brassica rapa subsp. Extract for protection of Q235 steel in H2SO4 medium: Experimental and modeling studies [J]. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2022, 114:427-437. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.76]
[13] Xiong Y.X, Song C.Y, Xu Qian*, et. al. Sludge-incinerated Ash Based Shape-Stable Phase Change Composites for Heavy Metal Fixation and Building Thermal Energy Storage[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 7.926]
[14] Xu Qian, Yang G, et al. Dynamic response model and equivalent solution method of large-diameter buried energy transportation pipeline under moving load [J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022, 106: 104724. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 5.285]
[15] Xu Qian, Zhu L.D, et al. Heat transfer performance by forced convection of microencapsulated phase change material-latent functional thermal fluid flowing in a mini-channels heat sink [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 216: 119158. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[16] Xu Qian, Feng J, et al. Influence of the operating parameters and nozzle characteristics on flat double-P radiant tube performance [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 155: 175-184. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[17] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhou J, et al. Performance analysis of a novel W-type radiant tube [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 152: 482-489. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[18] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhou J, et al. Study of a new type of radiant tube based on the traditional M-type structure [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 150: 849-857. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[19] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhang S. Influence of end side displacement load on stress and deformation of ‘‘L”-type large-diameter buried pipe network [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 126: 245-254. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[20] Xu Qian, Feng J. Analysis of nozzle gas speed on the performance of the zoned and staged gas-fired radiant tube [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 118: 734-741. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[21] Xu Qian, Feng J. Analysis of nozzle designs on zoned and staged double P-type gas-fired radiant tube [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 114: 44-50. [TOP期刊、2区、IF: 6.465]
[22] Xu Qian, Feng J, Zhang S. Effects of different loads on structure stress of “L”-type large-diameter buried pipe network based on fluid–structure-heat coupling [J]. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 86: 222-230. [2区、IF: 6.782]
[23] Xu Qian, Yang Q, Jia S.H, et. al. Experimental study on synergistic enhancement of thermal performance of a closed two-phase thermosyphon by a TiO2 nanofluid doped with Al2O3 [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 36: 102192. [3区、IF: 6.268]
[24] Wang Z, Zhang H, Xu Qian*, et. al. Experimental study on heat transfer properties of gravity heat pipes in single/hybrid nanofluids and inclination angles [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 34: 102064. [3区、IF: 6.268]
[25] Xu Qian, Shen M, Shi K, et. al. Influence of jet angle on diffusion combustion characteristics and NOx emissions in a self-reflux burner [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 25: 100953. [3区、IF: 6.268]
[26] Xu Qian, Shen M, Shi K, et. al. Effect of the Mixing Structure Parameters of a Self-reflux Burner on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emission [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30: 1224-1236. [3区、IF: 2.013]
[27] Xu Qian, Liu Y, Feng J, et. al. Synthesis and Characterization of Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dodecahydrate-Lauric-Palmitic Acid Used for Indoor Energy Storage Floor Units [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2020, 29(2): 477-485. [3区、IF: 2.013]
[28] Xu Qian, Nevzat Akkurt, et. al. Effects of Optimized Operating Parameters on Combustion Characteristics and NOx Emissions of a Burner Based on Orthogonal Analysis [J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021, 30: 1212-1223. [3区、IF: 2.013]
[29] Xiong Y. X, Wang H. X, Xu Qian*, Ding Y. L, et al. Insights into the Enhancement Mechanisms of Molten Salt Nanofluids [J]. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2022, 4912922. [4区、IF: 2.535]
[30] Xu Qian, Wang K, Feng J, et. al. Performance analysis of a novel Flue Gas Self-Circulated Burner based on the Low-NOx Combustion [J]. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020, 146(2): 04019041. [4区、IF: 2.04]
[1] 徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华. 分级气体成分对燃气辐射管热过程影响的数值模拟及研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 39(1):96-106. [EI, 北京青年优秀科技论文]
[2] 徐钱, 冯俊小. 基于正交法扁双P型辐射管仿真模拟及结构优化[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(4) :581-592. [EI, 北京青年优秀科技论文]
[3] Xu Q, Feng J-X. Effects of different loads on structure deformation of “L”-type large-diameter buried pipe network based on flow–heat–solid coupling. Heat Transfer– Asian Research. 2017; 46:1327–1341. [EI]
[4] 徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华, 等. 分区分级双P型辐射管喷口结构位置特性研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(5) :756-761. [EI]
[5] 徐钱, 冯俊小, 周敬之. 立式镁还原罐还原过程中结构传热特性分析[J]. 化工进展, 2018, 37(2): 459-467. [EI]
[6] 徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华, 等. 分区分级燃气辐射管模型验证及仿真研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 38(11):1620-1628. [EI]
1. 相变微胶囊潜热型功能流体热输运过程多尺度结构调控及强化传热机制,国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持
2. 锂离子电池正极材料制备工业过程的协同优化控制及应用,国家自然科学基金重点基金项目,合作单位负责人
3. 热流固多场仿生模拟介入结直肠癌动脉切除风险预测及科学治疗策略,中国医学科学院,主持
4. 航空锂电液流热控多尺度结构特征及动态演变机制,民航局重点实验室项目,主持
5. 相变微胶囊热输运过程边界层流动与质能传递机制研究,广东省基础与应用基础研究青年基金项目,主持
6. 新型多相功能流体于高密度热流系统冷却技术的开发与应用,广东省科技成果转化特色创新研究项目,主持
7. 新型相变微胶囊潜热型功能流体于强化传热系统的关键技术研究,佛山人民政府产学研创新专项基金,主持
8. 临床结直肠癌血供响应机制热流固多场耦合数值研究,国际交流成长计划项目,主持
9. 动力电池液流温控体系纳微掺杂固液两相介尺度结构协同调控机制,青年教师国际交流成长计划项目,主持
10. 电池液冷温控体系多尺度界面调控机制,金宝搏app官网青年学者人才引进项目,主持
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12. 相变微胶囊热输运过程质能传递机制及微观调控机理研究,博士后面上基金,主持
13. 基于复合相变储热材料的移动储热系统强化传热特性研究,中央高校基本科研业务项目,主持
14. 基于相变蓄热的生活热水替代系统研究与示范设计服务,顺天地国际能源科技有限公司,主持
15. 高温合金盘锻件热处理过程界面换热研究,钢铁研究总院,主持
16. 新型功能流体于纺织印染强化冷却系统研究与示范设计,高新企业,主持
17. 机房及数据中心热控系统研究与示范设计,高新企业,主持
18. 高热流密度传热器件传输极限测试,高新企业,主持
19. 钢铁-化产-建材多联产过程耦合节能减排系统构建与评价,国家科技部重点研发计划项目,骨干成员
20. 新一代辐射管的研究开发,国家科技支撑计划课题,骨干成员
21. 钢铁行业烟气多污染物全过程控制耦合关键技术,国家科技部重点研发计划项目,骨干成员
22. 大口径直埋热水管道的应力分析及试验研究,北京市热力集团科技部,骨干成员
23. 大烟气回流低氮燃烧U型辐射管整套技术开发与应用,鞍钢,骨干成员
24. 细粒级粉矿无热源延续还原装置及预热系统研究,甘肃酒钢集团宏兴钢铁股份有限公司,骨干成员
25. 大型板带加热炉节能量测量和验证标准研究,国家科技支撑计划课题,骨干成员
26. 板坯加热质量及节能降耗测试分析研究,吉林建龙钢铁有限责任公司,骨干成员
1. 一种焦炉立火道的燃烧装置及燃烧方法
2. 一种焦炉蓄热室余热利用与SNCR/SCR耦合脱硝方法与装置