1. 微纳米材料热输运测量
2. 界面热输运机理与调控
3. 飞秒激光瞬态热反射技术
4. 电声子耦合等超快过程
1. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
1. Fangyuan Sun#, Teng Zhang#, Matthew M. Jobbins, Zhi Guo, Xueqiang Zhang, Zhongli Zheng, Dawei Tang, Sylwia Ptasinska, Tengfei Luo*, Molecular bridge enables anomalous enhancement in thermal transport across hard-soft material interfaces, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(35): 6093-6099
2. Fangyuan Sun#*, Xinwei Wang#, Ming Yang, Zhe Chen, Hang Zhang*, Dawei Tang*, Simultaneous measurement of thermal conductivity and specific heat in a single TDTR experiment, International Journal of Thermophysics, 2018, 39(1): 5
3. Kun Zheng#, Fangyuan Sun#, Jie Zhu*, Yongmei Ma*, Xiaobo Li, Dawei Tang, Fosong Wang, Xiaojia Wang, Enhancing the thermal conductance of polymer and sapphire in-terface via self-assembled monolayer, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(8): 7792-7798
4. Guo Chang, Fangyuan Sun*, Luhua Wang, Zhanxun Che, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J. Kim, Hailong Zhang*, Regulated interfacial thermal conductance between cu and diamond by a TiC interlayer for thermal management applications, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(29): 26507-26517
5. Jiaxin Lu#, Kunpeng Yuan#, Fangyuan Sun*, Kun Zheng*, Zhongyin Zhang, Jie Zhu, Xinwei Wang, Xiaoliang Zhang, Yafang Zhuang, Yongmei Ma*, Xinyu Cao, Jingnan Zhang, Dawei Tang, Self-assembled monolayers for polymer-semiconductor interface with improved interfacial thermal management, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(45): 42708-42714
6. Xiaoyan Liu, Fangyuan Sun*, Luhua Wang, Zhixing Wu, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J. Kim, Hailong Zhang*, The role of Cr interlayer in determining interfacial thermal conductance between Cu and diamond, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 515: 146046
7. Kun Zheng, Fangyuan Sun, Xia Tian, Jie Zhu*, Yongmei Ma*, Dawei Tang, Fosong Wang, Tuning the interfacial thermal conductance between polystyrene and sapphire by controlling the interfacial adhesion, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(42): 23644-23649
8. Guo Chang, Fangyuan Sun, Jialiang Duan, Zifan Che, Xitao Wang, Jinguo Wang, Moon J Kim, Hailong Zhang*, Effect of Ti interlayer on interfacial thermal conductance be-tween Cu and diamond, Acta Materialia, 2018, 160: 235-246
1. 一种双色飞秒激光共线抽运探测热反射系统,ZL201210146342.5
2. 一种双色飞秒激光共线抽运探测热反射装置,ZL201220218647.8
3. 一种飞秒激光测量半导体器件少数载流子寿命的装置,ZL201620098956.4
4. 一种双色飞秒激光测量半导体器件热载流子寿命的装置,ZL201620098957.9
5. 一种显微可视化抽运探测热反射系统,ZL201621393038.0
6. 用于抽运探测热反射系统的无物镜测量装置,ZL201621386398.8
7. 一种基于抽运探测热反射技术的热导率扫描系统,ZL201621392098.0
8. 一种适用于光热反射法连续调节探测区域大小的光路系统,ZL201820928511.3
9. 一种适用于光热反射法的纳米粉末热物性测量平台,ZL201820928512.8
10. 一种适用于光热反射法的液体材料热物性测量平台,ZL201820928665.2
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,超高压条件TDTR方法传感层材料的热物性研究(51606193),2017.01-2019.12
2. 中科院科研装备研制项目,飞秒、纳米时/空热物性测量系统研制(YZ201606),2017.01-2019.12
3. 国家自然科学基金重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,超高压力条件热输运机理研究(51720105007),2018.01-2022.12
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,铜/碳化物/金刚石纳米多层结构的微尺度传热机制(51571015),2016.01-2019.12
5. 科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项,微/纳结构材料热物性表征仪器的开发和应用(2013YQ120355),2013.10-2018.09