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1. 相变现象机理及其应用(结冰、结霜、冷凝、蒸发等)
2. 液滴与液膜操纵原理及技术(液滴撞击输运、液膜雕刻等)
3. 仿生功能表面及涂层技术(光热超疏水涂层、超滑表面等)
4. 太阳能、水界面能储存及利用(光热效应、辐射制冷等)
Session Chair of 3rd International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, July 28-30, Xi’an, China, 2022.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等二十余个SCI期刊审稿人。
近年来,在Advanced Functional Materials、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Applied Physics Letters、Extreme Mechanics Letters、Physical Review Fluids、Langmuir、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等国际知名SCI期刊发表论文40余篇,出版英文学术著作《Condensed and Melting Droplet Behavior on Superhydrophobic Surfaces》一部。
1. F. Chu, Condensed and Melting Droplet Behavior on Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Springer, 2020.11.
1. F. Chu, Z. Ni, D. Wen*, Y. Feng*, S. Li, L. Jiang, Z. Dong*, Liquid Film Sculpture via Droplet Impacting on Microstructured Heterowettable Surfaces, Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (2022) 2203222.
2. Z. Hu, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Double-peak characteristic of droplet impact force on superhydrophobic surfaces, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 52 (2022) 101665.
3. Y. Lin, F. Chu*, Q. Ma, X. Wu*, Gyroscopic rotation of boiling droplets, Applied Physics Letters, 118(22) (2021) 221601.
4. Z. Hu, Z. Yuan, H. Hou, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Event-driven Simulation of Multi-scale Dropwise Condensation, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 167 (2021) 120819.
5. Z. Ni, F. Chu*, Y. Feng, S. Yao, D. Wen*, Large-Scale Dewetting via Surfactant-Laden Droplet Impact, Langmuir, 37 (2021) 13729-13736.
6. Z. Hu, X. Zhang, S. Gao, Z. Yuan, Y. Lin, F. Chu*, X. Wu*, Axial spreading of droplet impact on ridged superhydrophobic surfaces, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 599 (2021) 130-139.
7. F. Chu*, J. Luo, C. Hao, J. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Directional transportation of impacting droplets on wettability-controlled surfaces, Langmuir, 36 (2020) 5855-5862.
8. F. Chu*, Y. Lin, X. Yan, X. Wu*, Quantitative relations between droplet jumping and anti-frosting effect on superhydrophobic surfaces, Energy and Buildings, 225 (2020) 110315.
9. F. Chu, X. Zhang, S. Li, H. Jin, J. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Bubble formation in freezing droplets, Physical Review Fluids, 4(7) (2019) 071601(R).
10. F. Chu, S. Gao, X. Zhang, X. Wu, D. Wen*, Droplet re-icing characteristics on a superhydrophobic surface, Applied Physics Letters, 115(7) (2019) 073703.
11. F. Chu, X. Wu*, L. Wang, Meltwater evolution during defrosting on superhydrophobic surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10(1) (2018) 1415-1421.
12. F. Chu, D. Wen, X. Wu*, Frost self-removal mechanism during defrosting on vertical superhydrophobic surfaces: peeling off or jumping off, Langmuir, 34(48) (2018) 14562-14569.
13. F. Chu, X. Wu*, L. Wang, Dynamic melting of freezing droplets on ultraslippery superhydrophobic surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (2017) 8420-8425.
14. F. Chu, X. Wu*, Y. Zhu, Z. Yuan, Relationship between condensed droplet coalescence and surface wettability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 111 (2017) 836-841.
15. F. Chu, X. Wu*, B. Zhu, X. Zhang, Self-propelled droplet behavior during condensation on superhydrophobic surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 108(19) (2016) 194103.
16. F. Chu, X. Wu*, Fabrication and condensation characteristics of metallic superhydrophobic surface with hierarchical micro-nano structures, Applied Surface Science, 371 (2016) 322-328.
一种板式疏水性聚合物双效MVR系统及废水浓缩方法. 发明专利: 201510845941.x, 2017-12-19.
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