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1. 工业烟气SO2/NOx/Hg污染物协同控制技术
2. SCR脱硝催化剂开发与应用
1. Yang Zheng, Yangyang Guo*, Wenpo Shan, Zhihua Lian, Tingyu Zhu*. Revealing the Ca resistance enhancement mechanism for the NH3−SCR reaction over V/Ti catalyst by CuO modification. Applied Catalysis A: General. 2022: 637, 118606
2. Yang Zheng, Yangyang Guo*, Jian Wang, Lei Luo, Tingyu Zhu*, Ca doping effect on the competition of NH3–SCR and NH3 oxidation reactions over vanadium–based catalysts [J]. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021: 125, 6128.
3. Yang Zheng, Yangyang Guo*, Xiaofei Xu, Tingyu Zhu*, Study of Cu/Mn Catalysts for Co-reactions of NH3–SCR and CO Oxidation [J]. Catalysis Letters, 2021: 268.
4. Yang Zheng, Yangyang Guo*, Lei Luo, Jian Wang, Tingyu Zhu*, Poisoning process of the V2O5–CeO2/TiO2 catalyst by the cumulative effect of CaO [J]. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35, 18, 14876.
5. Yangyang Guo, Lei Luo, Yang Zheng, Tingyu Zhu*. Low–medium temperature application of selective catalytic reduction denitration in cement flue gas through a pilot plant [J]. Chemosphere, 2021, 276: 130182.
6. Yang Zheng, Yangyang Guo*, Lei Luo, Tingyu Zhu*. Catalytic Degradation of Ortho–Chlorophenol Using Activated Carbon Modified by Different Methods [J]. Catalysts, 2018, 8(1): 37.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“基于NH3-SCR与CO氧化协同反应的超低温催化体系研究”,2022-2025,参与.
2. 国家重点研发计划“水泥窑生活垃圾渗滤液耦合脱硝技术研究”,2017-2021,参与.
3. 大气污染物与温室气体协同控制国家工程研究中心实验室开放基金“高碱烟尘对SCR脱硝的传递失活机理及调控路径研究”,2020-2021,参与.